Thursday, March 27, 2008

Apologies to Karla Sue

Over the last several years, I've started apologizing to my mom for specific things I did as a kid. "Why?" you may ask. I'll tell you: because my kids do them to me and it makes me realize how selfish and insensitive I was. Here's a list of recent ones:

1. I'm sorry for thinking you had nothing better to do with your day than to meet my every whim - spoken and unspoken.

2. I'm sorry for getting sick on a day that you had 831 things on your to-do list and I needed you home to clean up my vomit.

3. I'm sorry I vomited on your newly-cleaned floors.

4. I'm sorry for thinking that God created you to be a walking ATM and that you could just deposit money into yourself from the money tree that I thought grew in the backyard.

5. I'm sorry for every time you disagreed with Dad over the most effective way to discipline me and it grew into an argument between the two of you.

6. I'm sorry when I argued with you about anything - but mostly, homework.

7. I'm sorry for every single time I rolled my eyes.

8. I'm sorry for being funny and/or cute when you really wanted to backhand me.

9. I'm sorry for making you look like a bad mom in public. (This includes misbehaving, bad dressing, stains on clothing and arguing with Mark, among other things)

10. I'm sorry for every time I thought I was smarter than you and Dad.

If you're reading, Mom, thanks for forgiving me! I love you!

1 comment:

daniella said...

I just read all your blog entries and I love them all. But now as mucha as I love you. I miss you, friend! How are you?