Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks!

Actually, I'm not that old.
I've spent a lot of my time recently planning a mission's trip for middle schoolers. This is not really an area I feel gifted in. I've never planned an event like this and I have no contacts in LA. I haven't even been on a mission trip since I was in high school. God has made a huge effort (well, actually, he's God, so maybe it's not that much of an effort?) to push me out of where I think I fit this last year. Intellectually and spiritually, I've been picked up, shaken around and placed back down OUTSIDE of my comfort zone. I realize that I'm not being sent to Africa, I'm not trying to get through college and I'm not fighting or watching someone I love fight a terrible disease. However, I have been challenged more in my love for Jesus and my desire to know him better more in this past year than ever before.
I've decided to blame a few people around me, who shall remain nameless...
  • My brother (okay, his relation to me gives away his identity). He went through seminary and would ask me to proof some of his papers, then ask me questions about them. Also, many times when he learned something new about the Bible or Jesus, he would tell me, thus me learning something new. I'm impressed that I got all the highlights of a seminary education without the student loans. If I were him, I wouldn't have shared on lick of knowlege!
  • A friend whom I met through church. She is such an encourager, prayer warrior and Jesus-follower. She has the biggest heart for Jesus and I am envious of the time she spends with him. She has prayed for me and pushed me to find all my solace in my Savior's love for me and this has impacted my marriage enormously.
  • A friend with whom I've done ministry. He is a question-asker. He doesn't always need the answers, but he always asks them. He has inspired me to use the non-mommy part of my brain and think critically about the culture around me. I've have learned so much from him about what it means to follow Jesus and love the people I come in contact with.
  • My married friends. This last year they decided to leave the church. If anything, they're committed to following Jesus more and not less, and do this in being active in their community and loving on people living in a marginal society.

I guess I took for granted the learning curve in adulthood. I've been wrapped up in being a wife, a mommy, a secretary and forgot that I need to keep stretching myself. It's been really awesome to experience all this, though it's not always comfortable. I find myself talking to God more, learning about him more, enjoying my relationship with him more. I've found, too, that the more I think I know, the less I know. There's always a new facet of his personality to discover, another revelation in his word. I'm so thankful we worship a God who lets up keep learning.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I Love It When...

My brother posted a list on his blog and I thought it was such a good idea, that I'd copy him. After all, imitation is the best form of flattery. I know I've been absent (as if I had thousands of loyal readers following me...), but I'm back now. It's been a difficult few months as we continue to adjust to me being home and the restrictions that come with it. However, it's still worth it. Enough of that melencholy, here's my list:
I love it when...
  • my kids sit together without arguing.
  • my husband surprises me with his generosity for my students.
  • I get to hang out with my Mom just for fun.
  • when I get to REALLY use my brain.
  • I have fabulous conversations with friends that leave me with more questions than I started with.
  • my students call me "Mom" or "Auntie Joy."
  • Colin cuddles with me in the morning.
  • Kris thinks I'm hot and we've been together for like, ever!
  • we have family dinners with my brother and his family and my mom.
  • Kris and I get to hang out at home without our kids.
  • my kids grasp a really abstract concept.
  • I hear Stacee singing.
  • A.J. takes time to play baseball with his brothers without me asking him to.
  • I see Colin reading because he enjoys it.
  • Brennan shows me what an amazing kid he actually is by treating people with kindness and generosity. (Shhh, I assured him I wouldn't share that with anyone!)
  • I get to spend Tuesday nights with a bunch of kids, just because I love them.
  • my kids hug their dad.
  • Kris looks at me across the room and I know what he's thinking without him saying anything.
  • it's sunny outside and the house is quiet and clean.
  • my kids tell me what they learned at church.
  • I get to make new friends.
  • I get to spend time with my old friends.

I think that's it for now. My battery is running low and the boys are almost out of school. I'll be posting more regularly now. I think I've got lots to share ;-)