Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What I Believe...

I've spent a lot of time thinking about what I believe about life, faith, God and family lately. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm trying to line up how I feel about certain things with what I've been taught. I've found they're not always the same. Maybe I'm trying to figure out how to raise my kids well in a culture that doesn't always support the same things Kris and I do. Maybe it's just because I have more time to think than I used to. In any event, here's the start:

I believe...
  • that most anything can be fixed with zip ties, a hot glue gun or gaffer's tape.
  • that what we put into our bodies as nourishment effects far more than our waistline.
  • that I have a responsibility to my family, my God and the earth not to be wasteful with my money, time or resources.
  • that choosing to love two more kids and welcoming them into my home is first about my obedience to God, and second about my love for them.
  • that I've lived out my faith better outside the church walls than I did inside them.
  • that kids don't need to go to pre-school. They need parents who are engaged.
  • that health care should be accessible to everyone; that it isn't a right protected under the Constitution; that it shouldn't be mandated by the government.
  • that homosexuality is not a salvation issue.
  • that, as a Christian, I'm supposed to love people. Period.
  • that most Americans could live very comfortably on a portion of what they currently do.
  • that cable, internet, cell phones and new cars are not necessities.
  • that music is beautiful.
  • that Kris is the perfect fit for my broken, silly, passionate self.
  • that I am honored to raise these kids, more than I could ever begin to express with words.
  • that I would be a happier mommy if I could walk around with a cocktail in my hand all the time.

That's it for now.


Courtney said...

I really enjoyed this. Good points all around.

Scott Eggert said...

"that I've lived out my faith better outside the church walls than I did inside them"

I am glad to hear you feel this way. My experience is that it is far more difficult, only because I no longer have the institutional busyness to confuse with personal discipline.

Choose worship
Choose service
Choose scripture

It is no longer a program but a personal act, almost like it always should have been. Shame on me.

Great insights Joy.